
He was a Lunatic

Posted on March 30, 2021

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He questioned the 'Six Million'

He was a Lunatic

I need to kill myself.
Jump off a high building.
And Die, in screaming agony.

But I need to complete these mandated tasks, not before other events take place.
To wit, I must be banned from GAB.
Blocked by Polite Society.
And labeled, for all to see, as a contemptible, low IQ, uneducated 'Hater', who freely indulges in reprehensible, low IQ, 'Hate Speech'.

So I am told. Frequently.
By people who variously describe themselves, in their profiles & posts,  as 'Christians', 'Patriots', 'MAGA', 'Proud Americans', 'listening to Jesus', and 'Loving parents'.

Being a very simple bear, not terribly bright, I have given the above mentioned, um, exhortations the best thought I can. I have concluded, since they unanimously brand me as a 'Hater', that these 'loving parents', who are so busy 'listening to Jesus', clearly firmly regard themselves as 'Lovers'.
So I shall henceforth refer to them as 'Lovers'.

My failing, it appears, is that I Question the 'Six Million Jews'. To be sure, they tend to call me a 'Denier'. It seems the act of 'Questioning', however politely, is tantamount to 'denying'. It's terribly frowned upon. Low IQ stuff. Hate Speech.
Well, I confess, humbly, that I DO Question the 'Six Million'. I submit that Questioning is not because I hate. Hating is so passee. Takes up far too much valuable energy. It's more that I'm infernally curious. That's probably why I jumped out of airplanes. And (twice) said “I do”. I wanted to know what would happen. I was curious.
(damn, I sure found out)

The 'Six Million Jews' fills me with such curiosity. As to how all these 'Lovers' could happily swallow dozens of major sticking points. Road blocks. Obstacles to Reason. Impediments to smooth passage-past-teeth. Hell, I even LISTED a bunch of the sticking points. I'm sure there's lots more, but those are only the ones I have come across, so far.
It's hard. Working with my 'low IQ'.

But here's another odd thing. The 'Lovers' never EVER want to go there. Never want to discuss the nitty-gritty. They never seem to 'love' me enough, to take me gently by the hand, and, slowly, lovingly, in words of not more than two syllables ( my low IQ, you see), EXPLAIN to me why, for argument's sake, the census numbers are problematic.
For my Low IQ.
There were fifteen million and-a-bit Jews before WW2.
There were fifteen million and a bit Jews AFTER WW2.
That information is partly derived from JEWISH sources.
It's carefully detailed in item number 20 in the “Holocaust Normie Challenge List”.
Supported by item number 16-1.
So… Polite Question. Not 'hate' at all. Excuse me. But where did the 'Six Million Jews' come from? Or go?

I invite them all to visit.
But the Lovers never EVER do.

I need to kill myself.
Jump off a high building.
And Die, in screaming agony.
But I need to complete these mandated tasks, not before other events take place.
To wit, I must be banned from GAB.
Blocked by Polite Society.
And labeled, for all to see, as a contemptible, low IQ, uneducated 'Hater', who freely indulges in reprehensible, low IQ, 'Hate Speech'.

I'm sure that makes perfect sense to the Lovers. After all, they are listening to Jesus.
I struggle with that.
But then, I'm just a low IQ hater.

Dare I even mention to the Lovers the 1995 (quiet, overnight) (no fanfare) change in official numbers on the monument in Auschwitz? Down from 4 million to 'Approx' 1.5 million?
A 2.5 million drop? (That's 41.66 % of 6 million)
But the TOTAL stays (just look at Wikipedia) SIX MILLION JEWS. See item 15-2.
A-ma-zing Abacus.
Don't you think they would be ecstatically thrilled that 2.5 million Jews survived?  Were not gassed? Went on to raise families, procreate, enjoy their reparations from Germany, and prosper?
You'd think they should have loudly celebrated it.

Will I mention that to the Lovers?
Oh, maybe not.  'Noooo'

I think I already know what these 'Proud Americans' would say to me.

I need to kill myself.
Jump off a high building.
And Die, in screaming agony.
But I need to complete these mandated tasks, not before other events take place.
To wit, I must be banned from GAB.
Blocked by Polite Society.
And labeled, for all to see, as a contemptible, low IQ, uneducated 'Hater', who freely indulges in reprehensible, low IQ, 'Hate Speech'.

I think I'll just go and eat worms…

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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 30, 2021, 8:52 pm

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